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Building Stampedes Kickstarter Now Live!

Chris Olson

The time has finally come, let's get this show on the road!

I have pressed the green button on a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to record the new album, Building Stampedes. The full length album will need some decent studio time plus mixing money, but hopefully with the help of my friends, family, and fans, it will get there.

The page is live here -

Over the coming weeks I will be probably annoying everyone with reminders and pleas for help. If anyone feels like doing me a solid and sharing on my behalf that would be awesome. As a provider of acoustic music on Spotify I really want to spend as much time as possible writing, recording, and performing my music but I know that being part of the community is also important. I really do appreciate all the support I receive.

In the meantime, please keep in touch about any of the songs which have appeared on my YouTube channel, Facebook page, or Instagram that you particularly like. I am by no means finalised in terms of the songs but it would be super cool to know beforehand which ones (if any) are striking a chord with listeners.

Friends with Skills

Much like Liam Neeson's character in Taken, if you have a particular set of skills that would come in handy (own a recording studio, can do mixing, love to promote indie musicians etc) please also let me know. I am always happy to return the favour or buy a beer for people here and there. At the end of the day we are all in this together and the more people involved in the making of this album the better, that's what I think anyway.

Likewise if anyone knows of any rich and lonely people send them my way. I could trade hugs for cash...that's not true. I would do that for long as they weren't too grabby.

Anyway, I feel like I am rambling. It is probably all of the excitement launching my Kickstarter (it is probably nerve-tingling when you actually launch the thing). I am gonna grab a stiff drink and some headphones.

Much love





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